So now I come to my Christmas Letter/post for the year end...
In an effort to combine what I already have in place (our blog) and promote/encourage me to write more consistently, I decided to put our Christmas letter here.
I always like to write our "year in review" letter, not only to let you know briefly what has been happening, but also it helps me remember and enjoy my life that seems to fly before my eyes!
Needless to say, life with 4 kids is never boring! There is always something going on (sometimes bordering on chaotic), but I love it! And now I am also teaching again, so it keeps getting better. My main problem is that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done I need to, not to mention what I would like to do!
Kyle is staying busy at the church and getting to the fire department when he can. He is also almost finished with his D Min degree from Erskine (he will be finishing up with the project this Jan and then has to write his dissertation). He has enjoyed the learning and applying it to his sermons, both we will both be glad when it is finished! He has also started a blog of his own...the hungry preacher. He enjoys writing for fun, so it is about food and his experiences with it.
Iz is 10 now! She is having a great year in school and has made some good friends! She is learning alot (someone asked her recently if she wished she could go back to public school to which she, I really like home and CC better and am learning more!...that made me happy!) She is also enjoying basketball and is pretty good, which is great because she is already 5'3 at 10! Last year her team won the championship in their division!
P is 5 and very outgoing! He is in kindergarten and loves going on outings with our school group! He is starting to learn to read and does pretty good with his school work,but would rather be outside. He just learned to ride his bike and that's what he wakes up asking to do right now!
S will be 3 a week from today! He is definitely my shy child. He will talk when he has something to say, but is my thinker. He loves to be outside too, but his favorite place to be is Kyle's mom's farm!! He loves to ride the ranger and help feed the animals! The main thing he has been asking for for Christmas is a pair of boots to wear on the farm at Mamama's house!
MJ is 16 months today! She is getting to be such a cute age...learning to talk, imitate what you say or do, give kisses, and play games, like peek-a-boo. She is going to be another "people person"!
Well, that is the Sims' 2009 in a nutshell. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store! We hope your year end comes to a nice close and you all have a very merry Christmas! We hope to hear from you soon (either by phone, email, or facebook)! Love to each of you!